Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

With the event Robotic X-Mas the Wiener Neustadt State Clinic sets an exclamation mark in the medical congress area. The team of the Department of Urology has succeeded in bringing the world’s leading experts in the field of robotic surgery to Austria!

For the oncological center in Wiener Neustadt, the surgical robot is important and a valuable addition. We are very grateful to Head of Department Associate Professer of medicine Johann Hofbauer and his team for the pioneering work in implementing this new technology in Lower Austria. The large number of registrations of international specialists is the best confirmation of the excellent work done on a daily basis for the patients.

We wish the congress a good progress and we are looking forward to this event!

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

Five years ago the managers of the NÖ Landeskliniken-Holding and the Wiener Neustadt State Clinic made a forward-looking decision with the implementation of the Da Vinci Xi surgical robot. The procedures are performed primarily in the field of urology, but also the departments of gynecology, surgery and ENT already work using the Da Vinci Xi.

In the meantime Wiener Neustadt State Clinic has developed into an Austrian pioneer in robotic surgery. The Robotic X-Mas live 3D Surgery event with an international auditorium proves this.

The participants of Robotic X-Mas experience a wide range of urological procedures. These are transmitted live and in 3D quality from the operating theater of the state clinic.

Robotic X-Mas is also the ideal platform for discussions and exchange with international experts.

Landesklinikum Wiener Neustadt / / contact@robotic-xmas.com